quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009

Out Of Work And Not Young Anymore

What to do in a very difficult job market when your age makes it even harder.

This article talks about the difficulties that older employees have to get a new job. According to the text there are stereotypes that paint them undesirable, as they are reluctant to learn new skills and technology, they are overqualified and demand higher salaries than their younger colleagues. On the other hand some employers says that older employees were loyal and brought much-needed skills to their jobs.

The trick to finding a new job is to leverage the positive attributes and squash the negative stereotypes. Some tips are:

1. Use networking tools to find a new job
2. Be enthusiastic about the job opportunities.
3. Be prepared to answer difficult questions on job interviews
4. Show you are interested in the quality of the job, do not focus on big salaries
5. Point out any new initiatives you undertook in your last position and list new technologies you've learned.
6. Talk about how you believe in teamwork - being a team player means you don't expect special treatment for having more experience.

Source: http://www.forbes.com/2009/05/05/older-job-seeking-leadership-careers-basics.html

2 comentários:

  1. I believe that in Brazil the prejudice against age is very cruel and very real especially for women. The article mentions some points that late-in-careers employees are more reluctant to learn new technology, more resistant to travel and also burn out easily than early and mid-career. The tips given in this text call the attention to change the way we could answer some questions without being lying in the interview and also points out some ideas to put on the resume. I think this text could be very helpful.

  2. Hello, I agree with Catia's view point, but I think that in BraZil something very bad happen.Because, it's very important to valorize the older employees, they have experience!Why we must accept that the young people have big salaries? I think that there is many miths about this subject for exemple: many older women have knowledge adout new tecnologies, and the youngs sometimes don't.The older employees have much capacity to administrate all the situations... vantages from experiences!So, this text is important to know about what we can do to get a sucess in one interview.
