segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2009


According to this article people should go prepared to an interview of job in order to avoid a disaster. They just have to identify the areas they need to improve and go self-confident for the interview.

When the interviewer asks “Tell me about yourself”, you are not supposed to tell your life history but a quick rundown of your qualifications and experience. When asked “What are your weaknesses?”, just respond identifying areas in your last work where you can improve and figure out how they can be assets to a future employer; when the interviewer asks “If you could choose any company to work for, where would you go? You just have to talk about the job and the company for which you are being interviewed - a suggested answer is “I wouldn’t have applied for this position if I didn’t sincerely want to work with your organization …”

These and others seven tips about “how to answer tough interview questions” will help candidates to conquer a new job.

Um comentário:

  1. I think that it is really important to go to an interview prepared and self-confident. The tips the author gives in this text could be very helpful and useful. Doing an interview job could be a victory or a disaster depending on the answers you give. I have passed to this process many times in my life and the questions involved are really the ones on this article.
