terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2009


People should find a carrier that complements their characters. There are six personality groups that encompass people in general. Above it is listed what jobs fit with each personality. Each one requires different education, training and qualification requirements:

- Artistic: creative by nature. People who like to express themselves through their work. They like to work without rules, with forms, designs, colors, words and patterns. Examples: Editor, graphic designer, high school drama teacher.

- Conventional: like conventional things, rules, procedures, schedules and instructions. They’re practical and like routine and order. Examples: Accountant, Actuary, Technical Writer.

- Enterprising: leaders. They like to see projects through from start to finish. They are doers more than thinkers. Examples: Advertising Sales Agent, Financial Officer, Sales Manager.

- Investigative: prefer to work alone. They solve problems and mysteries, put together pieces of a puzzle and pay extreme attention to detail.
Examples: Computer systems analyst, Librarian, Science Professor.

- Realistic: results-driven, hand-on people who like problems and solutions. Examples: Electricians, Locksmiths, Nuclear Engineer.

- Social: helping others and work with teams. They communicate well, thrive on human interaction. Examples: Family Practioner, Personal Trainer, Teacher.

What about you? Does your carrier fit your personality?

Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/worklife/03/11/cb.carrer.fit.personality/index.html

Um comentário:

  1. I believe that my job fits definitely with my personality. I think that I could never be an artist since I am not very creative although appreciating arts a lot. I like social work but only as a volunteer. I am not a leader or investigative or a realistic professional. Well, I am very happy and a very succeeded secretary.
