terça-feira, 31 de março de 2009


Since 2007, there is a downturn in UK. Thousands of shops have closed down. They cut prices to attract customers back, but people are not spending money freely. One of the responsibles for this phenomenon is the growth of online shopping. Consumers are turning away from traditional stores to online retails in search of bargains. Because of this one in ten shops is empty in UK.

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/h/business/7965828.stm

3 comentários:

  1. Online shopping is becoming more popular each day, I think. With a few clicks online you can have probably anything delivered to your door. Of course, companies save a lot on this way of selling since they do not need to have sales clerks, shops etc, just a warehouse to keep their goods and some people to dispatch them.

  2. I think that buying by internet is something really great for consumers since we do not have to spend our time in long lines and waste time. Another positive aspect of buying on line is that we can search for better prices without having to leave home. On the other hand I like traditional stores to buy clothes or shoes for example because I like to try them on. Malls could be empty but in my opinion they will not close because of net since people see them as an entertainment.

  3. Buy in the internet is easier than buy on sotores, because you don't have to come out of your house and the pices are lower. I believe this new tendecy show a new kind of consumer that knows what he wants like the exactly the product. The new consumer doesn't need to go to the store and talk to a salesman, because he is self sufficient in his choices.
