terça-feira, 31 de março de 2009


Since 2007, there is a downturn in UK. Thousands of shops have closed down. They cut prices to attract customers back, but people are not spending money freely. One of the responsibles for this phenomenon is the growth of online shopping. Consumers are turning away from traditional stores to online retails in search of bargains. Because of this one in ten shops is empty in UK.

Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/h/business/7965828.stm

domingo, 29 de março de 2009


This article advises small retailers who do not want or can the overhead of stockpiling merchandise. It’s said these retailers can:

1. to find a good lending (but they have to take care with the debts);
2. to find another job that will let them pay down their debts;
3. to convince the suppliers to open an account for them;
4. to start an account with a drop shipper.

Nowadays, the last option is very used. This is a way that the retailers advertise merchandise, sell it and after receive the customer’s money, conclude the purchase from the drop shipper via credit card and send it for the customers. The buyers do not know anything about this transaction, they just receive the order.

This model of business is used even for Amazon.com. For small retailers it doesn’t make much profit, but at least, they don’t lost money with lending or risky investments…

Source: http://askfsb.blogs.fsb.cnn.com/2009/03/27/how-to-get-inventory-when-youre-low-on-cash/

terça-feira, 24 de março de 2009


1. What is better for a company?

a a person who knows a lot but doesn’t have a good relationship with the rest of the team.

b a person who doesn’t know a lot but who is willing to work on a team.

Between the two options, I think the better for a company is a person who doesn’t know a lot but is willing to work on a team, since this person makes an effort to learn with his/her boss and colleagues about his/her work, because knowledge is very important to develop professional activities but a good relationship with the team is fundamental to have positive results and a good atmosphere of work.


Being polite when you disagree with someone is a very important interpersonal skill, even when you are the boss. Look how the message below should be changed to sound more acceptable.

From: Hal Clark (mailton: hal.clark@halco.com)
Sent: Monday, November 3 11:43 am
To: Brian Hughes
Subject: Garcia Project


I just got your project for the Garcia account. It’s terrible! You didn’t understand anything I said. You didn’t include the prices of the security systems and you didn’t send the correct estimates for the new TV circuit. You’re going to have to do everything again, and I hope you can do it correctly this time. If Mr. Garcia receives your lousy project, we’ll probably lose our best client. I asked George to help you, because he’s a lot more competent than you. Too bad he doesn’t have time to do the whole thing alone.

I expect to see the new project on my desk next Monday morning. Or else!

Hal Clark
Chairman, Halco Inc.

From: Hal Clark (mailton: hal.clark@halco.com)
Sent: Monday, November 3 11:43 am
To: Brian Hughes
Subject: Garcia Project

Subject: Garcia Project


I just got your project for the Garcia account. There is a misunderstanding about the information requested for Mr. Garcia. We should include the prices of the security systems and send the correct estimates for the new TV circuit. I’m sorry to have to say this, but I’m afraid we lost our best client. I asked George to help you.

Please, send me the new project as soon as you can.

Yours sincerely,

Hal Clark
Chairman, Halco Inc.

terça-feira, 17 de março de 2009


In “Third Opinion”, Dr. Saj-nicole Joni, chief executive in Cambridge International Group, presents four ways to change executive ability in a time of pervasive economic reversal.
Nowadays, time of broken finances, recession and strategic uncertainty, we need leaders who straddle both sides of the old world and can both spark innovations and execute it with efficiency.
The four steps for turning the personal leadership ability toward today reality are: check out what’s missing from your personal leadership portfolio and develop these abilities; take an inventory of the people around you; check your ability to productively engage in debate and conflict and don’t be alone. Crisis times call for a different kind of leadership fitness: Steady comportment, thoughtful optimism, patient discipline, self-knowledge and a long view.
Leaders will have an instinct and appetite for innovation along with the skill and curiosity to develop the end-to-end capability that delivers efficiently.

source: http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2009/news/0902/gallery.five_measures_new/index.html