terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2009

The seven principles you must know about public speaking

This week I read an article written by Richard Zeoh about public speaking.This article was written for leaders who need to speak in public, but itwill be very useful for our final presentation.The author says that the majority of effective public speakers are trainedto be so; he observed some common qualities among them and wrote thefollowing seven essential principles to do well in public speaking:1. Stop trying to be a great speaker – you should focus on the speakingand let go of the public; try to be relaxed, comfortable and authentic.Never try do be someone you’re not.2. Stop trying to be perfect. When you make a mistake, no one cares butyou – most people really hear about 20% of speaker’s message; the other80% they internalize visually. People want to hear someone real.3. Visualize. If you can see it you can speak it – the best way to fightanxiety and become more comfortable is by practicing in your mind. Imagineyou’re talking to public and being successful.4. Be disciplined. Practice makes good – The more you practice, moreprepared and self-confident you will be.5. Describe. Make it personal – talk about your experience, other people,triumphs, tragedies and every day humorous.6. Inspire. Speak to serve – the main focus can be in the audience. Youshould teach, motive or entertain them.7. Build anticipation: Leave your audience wanting more – make yourpresentation a bit shorter than they expect. You will win their attentionand interest.


2 comentários:

  1. I think that not everybody has the gift of speaking in public naturally. According to the text the training is very important because it can transform us in effective communicators. The tips are very useful and I do agree that in public speaking it is crucial try to be relaxed and self-confident and not perfect. The content of our speech is much more important than our mistakes. Very interesting article!

  2. I’m a shy person and on the past, when I need to public speaking, I had a lot of difficulties. I stayed nervous, with anxiety and sick. And this difficulties are constantly decreasing because I’m working in this problem. First is necessary to pass, to train public speaking. Nowadays I’m teaching a course of a project for digital inclusion and perfectioning. With you know what to speak these tasks are easier. You feel security, nervous and anxiety go way. And is important too don’t invent. It’s necessary to the natural and authentic.
