terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2009

Wanted: paradise island ‘caretaker’

It was describing as “the best job in the world”. It was wanted someone to work on a tropical island off the Queensland cost. The candidate must be willing to swim, snorkel, dive and sail. The salary offered was U$130,000 for six months and a rent-free in a three-bedroom villa, complete with proof.

The new recruit will work for 12 hours a months - feeding fishes, collecting the island’s mail, prepare a blog, a photo diary and video updates to attract tourists to the area.

Do you want this job? It’s too late, the candidate selected was Ben Southall and he already moved to the island with his girlfriend.

This news was a marketing strategy to promote turism in Queensland , Autralia, through a search of a candidate to the best job of the world: take care of the paradise.


quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2009

Is nepotism so bad?

Nepotism is a very controversial subject. Is it really so bad? This article gives some examples of succeed and unsucceed cases of nepotism and points out some comments about this practice. In the cases that it worked, we saw that family members had knowledge, responsibility and qualifications that made them worth the position, but on the cases that it fails the members were not prepared and caused morale problems.

Professionals of Human Resources says that this situation must be address very carefully, for example, it’s not good hiring family members without alerting others in the organization. These members need to be watched and closely controlled.

There are situations that nepotism is impossible to avoid, as in specialized service from family business.

Businessman should take care to do not give promotion to a member of his family less qualified than others members of his company. It includes privilege between co-workers that get marriage.

In a company the family members should work harder than anyone else and prove their worth to others and to themselves. According to the article, nepotism works well if people already have a good grasp on their family relationship in the first place.

Source: www.forbes.com/2009/06/19/ceo-executive-hiring-ceonewtork-leadership-nepotism.html